Holy Trinity - Kamloops

WASYLINKO, Rev. Andrzej - Pastor
Church address: 109 Tranquille Road, Kamloops BC V2B 3E8

Rectory: 1-250-461-7249 Church: 1-250-376-3690

Email: Andrze.Wasylinko@nweparchy.ca

Liturgical Schedule
10:00am – Divine Liturgy (Bilingual)
DAILY (Tue-Sat):
Contact Pastor

10:00 – Божественна Літургія (двомовна)
ЩОДЕННО (Bівт.-Cуб.):
Contact Pastor
Pastoral Ministry and Holy Mysteries
Baptisms – by appointment
Marriages – six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made
Funerals – by appointment
Confessions – 1/2 hour before Liturgy
Eucharist – for the sick – any time
Anointing – any time
Hospital Visits – any time


2024- 17th Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday after the ExaltationDownload

Get In Touch

118 Don Street, Kamloops, BC V2B 1B7

Main Ofiice